The rumour, however, was sustained, following the movie star’s action of deleting all her pictures and videos on Instagram and unfollowing everyone on her page.

Meanwhile, Whispers’ investigation revealed that the Lionheart star is hale and hearty, and possibly cooking up something that will definitely take the country’s entertainment circuit by storm in the coming days.

One of her close associates, who spoke with us on telephone, confirmed that the actress is currently out of the country, but not for medical reasons.

“She was in the country up till last week, and I can tell you that there’s nothing wrong with her,” the source insisted.

Another source said that the actress could be up to something. “When entertainers want to draw attention to themselves or hype a particular project, they intend to create a buzz prior to the unveiling of the project. Let’s wait and see what comes out of this. But definitely, she’s fine,” said the source.

Also, some of her colleagues, who are as worried as her fans over her state of health opined that Genevieve’s action may be a ploy to rebrand her image. They regretted that the actress always withdrew into her shell and never bothered to reach out to anyone in the industry except her very few friends. Interestingly, the actress returned to Instagram on Wednesday as she shared a video of herself, where she was painting on a canvas.

Reports had it that the actress was hospitalised due to a mental illness in the United States, thereby sparking concerns among her fans. If this is a stunt, then it’s possible that the actress is up to something. But if it’s not, what could have necessitated her continuous social media silence amid her health status palaver? Your guess is as good as mine!